Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Parshas Beshalach 5777

פּרשׁת בּשׁלח

Now on to the rest of the parsha:  So, I would like to, with the Help of Hashem, share with you 10 inspiring insights on this parsha:  


1) Says the Nikolsburger Rebbe (Rebbe Yosef Yechiel Michel Lebovits shlita):  Even if, with Hashem’s Help, we beat the Yetzer Hara, we must never let down our guard.  As we can see from the first verse of this parsha, even after Paroah sent the Jewish nation out from Egypt, there was still a chance of them returning!  Not only this, but the Yetzer Hara will always come after us and continue to pursue us - like Paroah did.  


However, he explains, Hashem is always with us.  And just like He led us through the longer way of the Wilderness in order for us not to return to Mitzraim, so too, He goes to “every length”, so to speak, to help us overcome our Yetzer Hara.  It might not always seem so, says Reb Lebovits shlita, but our loving Father is always right there for us to catch us if we fall, Chas V’Shalom. (From


2) So, as we know, Hashem split the sea for us and we walked through on dry land.  The Torah says ‘And the B’nei Yisroel went on dry land in the midst of the sea’.  


Says the Noam Elimelech (Rebbe Elimelech M’Lizhensk zt”l); the Miracles at the Splitting of the Sea taught the Jews to recognize the Miracles Hashem does for us every day.  


This is implied by the above verse, he explains: ‘And the B’nei Yisroel went on dry land in the midst of the sea’; even when we are walking on dry land - the “normal” thing - it is just as miraculous as when we were walking through the Sea.


Some people just think that most things are nature; but they are not.  Everything is actually a total Miracle from Hashem, He is Blessed - including the “normal way of the world”. (From Sefer Likutei Shoshana)


3) So, after the splitting of the Sea and the drowning of the Egyptians, etc. the Torah attests that the Jews had faith in Hashem and in Moshe His servant.  


Writes Rebbe Tzadok HaKohen of Lublin zt”l (Tzidkas HaTzaddik 154): “Just as one must believe in Hashem, so too one must believe in himself.  This means that one must believe that Hashem is interested in him…… This is the meaning of the verse ‘the [nation] believed in Hashem and in Moshe His servant’.  Moshe represents all 600,000 Yidden of that generation.  They believe that Hashem desires them and that He has Nachas Ruach from their good side….”


4) So, in the very next verse, the People sang to Hashem for His Kindnesses.  And this is a very special song!


It is written in Sefer Chareidim (73) “Whoever says Az Yashir and thanks his Master for all the kindness He did to our Forefathers and to us, out loud and with great joy, as though he just left Mitzraim, all of his sins will be forgiven.  He is like a child who was just born, without any sins.


5) Towards the end of the fourth Aliyah, the Torah tells us about how the Jews came to Marah and ‘they could not drink the waters there because they were bitter’.  


Says the Baal Shem Tov zt”l:  What does it mean ‘they were bitter’?  It means the Jews were! Everything seemed bitter to the People because they were bitter. (Quoted in The Stone Edition Chumash)


6) Hashem tells us in the last verse of the fourth Aliyah ‘If you will surely listen to the voice of Hashem, your G-d, and what is upright in His eyes you will do, and you give ear to His Commandments and guard all His Statutes; all the sicknesses that I put upon Egypt I will not put upon you, for I am Hashem your Healer.


Asks Rebbe Tzvi Hirsch HaKohen zt”l:  If Hashem won’t put the sicknesses on us, what is there to heal?  


So, he quotes a story that the Sultan of Egypt once asked the Rambam zt”l how he knew that he was such a good doctor - since he was never ill, he never needed treatment!


“That is precisely the test of a good physician:” replied the Rambam zt”l, “To prescribe a health regimen that will prevent his client from getting sick.”


Says Rebbe Tzvi Hirsch zt”l; this is what Hashem is saying:  “Because I am your Healer, I will see that you not suffer the diseases inflicted on the Egyptians.” (Quoted in Four Chassidic Masters)


7) But there is a different interpretation of this verse:  Rebbe Tzadok HaKohen of Lublin zt”l explains that what Hashem is telling us here is that even when He does bring hardships, etc. upon us - it is all to heal us!  He is always our Healer!


8) So, in the sixth Aliyah, Hashem rains down food from Heaven for us - the Mon.


Explains HaRav Shlomo Yosef Zevin zt”l:  The Mon teaches us three things:  #1, We get exactly what we need.  Just like each person got enough with the Mon, so too, we all get the food and stuff that we need.  #2, As we are taught in the Gemara, the Mon was so pure that we did not even need to go to the bathroom from it - it caused no waste.  This teaches us that the food we eat - and the money we buy it with - must be extremely pure.  We must earn our money and food honestly.  And #3, We are told that a person could taste whatever they wanted in the Mon. And this teaches us, he explains, that no matter what Hashem gives us - you can make it “taste” however you want.  And it is all in our attitude. (From Sefer LaTorah Vi'LaMoadim)


9) The Bnei Yissaschar (Rebbe Tzvi Elimelech Spira zt”l) quotes from HaRav Menachem Azaryah of Panu zt”l, who says that we would say a Bracha on the Mon.  


Why do we say a Bracha on Mon?  It’s so spiritual already!  Says Reb Spira zt”l, (one of his three suggestions), that it teaches us that no matter what level we get to - we must always continue upward (as we know, a Bracha elevates food). (From Sefer Bnei Yissaschar)

Always continue ascending Heavenward.

10) Okay; so, towards the end of the parsha, the Jews “test” Hashem, and they ask ‘Is Hashem among us or not?’ And then in the next verse, the Torah tells us how Amalek came and waged war with us.  


Teaches Rebbe Menachem Mendel Hager zt”l - the first Vizhnitzer Rebbe; because we had doubts as to whether Hashem was in our midst or not, Amalek came and attacked.  For the Gematria/numerical value of the word ’safeik’ (doubt) is the same as the word Amalek. (From Sefer Tzemach Tzaddik)


We should try to make sure not to have doubts about Hashem and His Torah, and may Hashem help us not to, Amein vi’Amein.

A Guten Tog und Voch all!  Kol Tuv!

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