Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Drinking on Purim

In Gemara Megillah we are told that Rava z"l said that one should drink on Purim until they [get so drunk that they] do not know the difference between 'cursed be Haman' and 'blessed be Mordechai'.  Many Rishonim take this statement literally.  See here:

However, the Rama zt"l says that there are others who say that one merely needs to drink more than their custom to (and this of course varies with different people).  And he adds that whether one drinks more or drinks less, the main thing is that a person's intention is for the sake of Heaven.

HaRav Avigdor Miller zt"l was asked:

How do I utilize drinking עד דלא ידע in order to serve Hashem?

עד דלא ידע בין ארור המן לברוך מרדכי. I'll tell you one peirush. It means עד ולא עד בכלל. You drink up to the point of losing your da'as. You drink just enough. But not enough to lose your da'as. On Purim you have to have da'as. You have to have more da'as on Purim, not less. 

Now, a little bit of da'as can be gained by drinking. A little bit. Oh yes. It's like an airplane that needs high octane gas to get up in the air. A little bit of alcohol helps your spirit go higher. Yes, a little bit of mashkeh. But too much alcohol will sink you. And therefore, there's no use in falling asleep in the middle of Purim like a drunken goy and then they have to call Hatzalah. On Purim you should be gaining da'as. If you utilize the day properly, it'll be a day of da'as. And you won't be gaining any da'as lying on the floor waiting for Hatzalah to come.

TAPE # E-225 (March 2000) (Source:


Whether one drinks more or less, please stay safe.  Because getting drunk on Purim is no excuse to cause any danger.  

I wish everyone a Simchadikke and meaningful -- and safe -- Taanis Esther and Purim!

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