Friday, August 3, 2018

Parshas Eikev Messages 5778

Parshas Eikev:

And it will be because you will listen to these rules... -- ...והיה עקב תּשׁמעוּן את המּשׁפּטים האלּה’ (Devarim 7:12)

In Gemara Megillah, we are told that the word והיה is a language of joy.  The verse thus alludes to us that if we are B’Simcha, joyous, we will actually be able to keep the Mitzvos and serve Hashem a lot better.  My Rebbe, HaRav Tal Moshe Zwecker shlit”a, in fact, explained to me that joy can be greater than a Mitzvah, because it leads to more Mitzvos.  

And on the other hand, the verse seems to imply that keeping the Mitzvos and serving Hashem helps to bring more joy.  As the Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh (to this verse) writes: “There is not to a person to rejoice except when he guards to do all that Hashem commanded to do; then his heart will rejoice and his Soul will exult.” (See Tehillim 16:9).

(Ach Sameach)


Your garment did not wear out from upon you and your foot did not swell this forty years.(Devarim 8:4)

The Clouds of Glory would rub their clothes and press them, like pressed vessels [i.e. garments].  And their young, also, as they would grow, their clothing would grow with them, like the dress [shell] of a snail, which grows with it.

(Rashi HaKadosh from Midrash Shir HaShirim Rabbah).


And it will be if you will surely forget Hashem your G-d, and you will go after gods of others and you will serve them and you will prostrate yourself to them; I bear witness in you today that you will surely perish.(Devarim 8:19)

It really bothered me that this verse, which describes a tragic, tragic, possible occurrence, begins with the word והיה, which, the Sages tell us, connotes joy!  What is it doing here?

I posed this question to the Bostoner Rebbe of Yerushalayim {HaRav Mayer Alter Horowitz shlit”a}.  He looked into the matter, and found in a book an answer given by the Chozeh of Lublin {HaRav Yaakov Yitzchok Horowitz zt”l}, photocopied it, and sent it to me.  

Says the Chozeh zt”l:  If a person commits a sin (like the forgetting of Hashem and avodah zarah described in the verse), and is still joyous -- meaning that they do not regret it, and are not upset about their transgression; in a state like this, they will get the terrible punishment of ‘you will surely perish’.  For if they do not feel pain or regret over sinning, they will not come to repent.  


From the beginning of the year, until the end of year. -- .מרשית השנה ועד אחרית שנה
(Devarim 11:12)

When talking about the beginning of the year, notes the Satmar Rebbe, HaRav Yoel Teitelbaum zt”l, the Torah employs the language ‘השנה -- the year,’ while when speaking of the end of the year, it merely says ‘שנה -- year’.

Explains the Satmar Rebbe zt”l, at the beginning of a year, when we are coming into Rosh Hashanah, we tell ourselves that this is going to be the year -- we are going to make grandiose changes, improvements, etc.  But as time passes, we go back to what we were, and, by the time the year is reaching a close, it ends up that it was just another year…


We must take this piercing message to heart, and make sure that this year; this month, week, and even day, do not end up ‘just another one.’  May Hashem help us with this.


And you shall teach them (אתם) to your sons...’ (Devarim 11:19)

Says the Chofetz Chaim zt”l:  The word is pronounced as אותם (osam), them, whereas it is written as אתם (attem), which means ‘you’.  

This comes to teach us that a father [or mother] cannot just rely upon teaching their children; they themselves must also learn.

(Chofetz Chaim Al HaTorah)


Maaseh:  HaRav Shimon Schwab zt”l once spent Shabbos with the saintly Chofetz Chaim zt”l, in Radun.  It was Friday morning, and, in the middle of a discussion concerning the function of Kohanim, the Chofetz Chaim turned to Rav Schwab and asked, “Are you a Kohen?”

“No,” replied Rav Schwab.

“Perhaps you have heard that I am a Kohen,” the Chofetz Chaim said.

“Yes, I have heard.” Rav Schwab quietly responded.

“Perhaps you are a Levi?” the Chofetz Chaim asked.

“No, I am not,” was Rav Schwab’s reply.

“What a shame!” Said the Chofetz Chaim. “Moshiach is coming, and the Beis HaMikdash will be rebuilt.  If you are not a Kohen [or Levi], you will not be able to perform the Avodah, Service, in the Sanctuary.  Do you know why? Because 3,000 years ago, at the incident of the Golden Calf, dein Zeide, your “grandfather”, is nisht gelafen, did not run forward when Moshe Rabbeinu called out , ‘Mi l’Hashem eilai!’ ‘Whoever is for Hashem, should come to me!’ Now take heart and listen:  When you hear the call, “Mi l’Hashem eilai!” come running!”

Sums up HaRav Avraham Leib Scheinbaum shlit”a:  This was the Chofetz Chaim’s message.  When the call from Hashem comes, we must respond immediately, because that window of opportunity will not stay open forever.  The Leviim responded 3,000 years ago, and it transformed their lineage forever.

(Peninim on the Torah; Sixteenth Series)


A Gut Shabbos to all!

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