Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Siyum Tehillim for a Dear Friend with a Big Medical Problem

Hello everyone.  I have a dear friend (Chaya Shaina Chana bas Itcha) whom, around 31 years ago, was unforuntately given medicine that she didn't need and was allergic to.  Now a lot of the nerves in her face are very damaged and cause her a lot of pain, and she is in need of a Miracle.

It would be very appreciated if you could please sign up here (on to say even a couple chapters of Tehillim or do even a few Maasim Tovim L'Zechus Refuah Shleimah mi'heira for this fine, old-fashioned woman. 

Thank you all so much in advance and may Hashem send complete Refuos and Yeshuos to Chaya Shaina Chana bas Itcha very, very swiftly, Amein vi'Amein, and all manner of Beracha v'Hatzlacha to you and your family!

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